Proud to be a Woman

Proud to be a Woman

Dotty looking for answers.

Being a woman is hard.

Granted, I’ve never been a man, and I assume it has its challenges, but being a woman is really hard.

I believe I speak for many when I say that we really needed Saturday’s events to lift us out of Friday’s gloom and to think about how we are going to move forward.

So how do we move forward?  What are we fighting for? How do we get beyond “us winning” and “them failing” and start to restore some balance and justice to a world that’s really never had any to begin with?

I don’t have the answers, but I’ll be looking for them. I hope you will too.


Required Reading for Donald Trump

Required Reading for Donald Trump

Perplexed Dotty

I don’t even know what to say about Donald Trump and Russia, and Donald Trump’s supporters who aren’t calling him out on this. If Hillary or Obama were “cozying up” to Putin the way Trump is, there would be epic outcries.

But then again, nothing really make sense right now, so why should this be any different?


Waking Up in the Trump Era

Waking Up in the Trump Era


It’s very sad that the first thing on my mind after I leave that blissful “just-woke-up/not-fully-present-in-waking-reality-yet” is WHAT SCARY SHENANIGANS IS DONALD UP TO TODAY? What tricks does he have up his sleeve?  What totally inappropriate and incomprehensible pick has he made to his cabinet? Will I receive a “hate tweet” from him? Has WWIII begun? And if so, who are we fighting?

So many concerns.  So many possibilities.


Goddess Kali bids farewell to 2016

Goddess Kali bids Farewell to 2016

*”Kali challenges us by daring us to look her in the face and find the love behind the pain of life.”  

Sally Kempton, Awakening to Kali: The Goddess of Radical Transformation

Warrior Kali-like Dotty

*And, no, Dotty’s Doodles is not an instrument of the dark forces or the Illuminati.  And, yes, Kali is the goddess of death and destruction and is kind of scary. But she also is the goddess of motherly-love, rebirth, revolutionary change, creation, and transformation.

I like to think of Kali as the one creating all those cracks that let the light in.
