Russian Hacking Hearings


Lindsey Graham

Artist Dotty

I bought a new pen today. A REAL artist’s pen at an ART STORE. (Don’t worry, CVS, I’ll be back!!)

I used it in this picture, and I love it.

It’s the little things in life.

Now go do your civic duty and watch clips from the congressional hearing here.



Waking Up in the Trump Era

Waking Up in the Trump Era


It’s very sad that the first thing on my mind after I leave that blissful “just-woke-up/not-fully-present-in-waking-reality-yet” is WHAT SCARY SHENANIGANS IS DONALD UP TO TODAY? What tricks does he have up his sleeve?  What totally inappropriate and incomprehensible pick has he made to his cabinet? Will I receive a “hate tweet” from him? Has WWIII begun? And if so, who are we fighting?

So many concerns.  So many possibilities.


Dotty’s Letter to Joe Moravsky

DT's Happy New Year Tweet

Dear Joe,

I hope this letter finds you well. Crazy times, huh? Anyway, I wanted to reach out to you because I’ve really been concerned about the world (in particular, the United States) since the election.

I know that you and many others who voted for Trump are decent, reasonable, smart folks who were completely disillusioned by the current state of political affairs, the systems that are broken, the bureaucracy, the dishonesty and corruption, and the feeling that your voice wasn’t being heard. I know that many of you are struggling in lots of different ways and feel left behind. I know that many of you are frightened by a world that seems to be rapidly changing before your eyes. I understand.

But I have to be honest Joe, I have a hard time understanding why you would believe that Donald Trump might be the solution to these problems. However, hard as it may be, I’m willing to accept that we see things differently.

That being said, I know you are a reasonable guy, so I wanted to ask a few favors of you:

  • Could you please hold the President-elect accountable for his words, his tweets, his appointments, his rhetoric, his alliances, his policies, and his actions? Can you be vigilant about this?
  • Can you try not to let your pain, prejudices, fears, and anxiety distort the facts? If there are things that the President-elect says or does that make you feel queasy and unsettled, can you continue to speak out about it?
  • Can you try and put yourself in the shoes of those who are living in a state of fear and insecurity because of the rhetoric that has been unleashed by the President-elect? Can you help by advocating for those who are the most vulnerable in the current political climate?

I know that you and I agree that we all deserve leadership that reflects the best that’s within us. I’m looking forward to working with you in 2017 to ensure that happens.

Thanks for your help, Joe. Wishing you a happy 2017.

Most Sincerely,


